Yahwism (Biblical Israelism) vs. Christianity

Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, a Yahwism (Israelism) teaching Ministry



Introduction to Yahwism vs Christianity


By this document it is our intent to compare the Basic Foundational Beliefs of Yahwism (Israelism) as found recorded by the anointed Prophets of Yahweh with the principles established in the Hebrew Bible. We compare this with the Doctrinal Standards of the Christian Belief as was developed by Constantine Romanism from their sifted collection of their acceptable 27 First and Second Century writings now commonly called the New Testament Bible (Greek NT Bible). We will use the Creed they developed named after Athanasius, (293-373 CE), because it represents and still remains the basic original standard for the Roman “Catholic” Church, and it still remains the foundation for the Christian Belief.


It should be noted here, that the Greek NT Bible was never used by the Prophet Yahshua (aka Jesus) in First Century Israel. Yahshua of the Greek NT Bible only used the Hebrew Bible during his entire ministry on earth since the Greek NT Bible was not in a completed state of existence until sometime after 325 – 397 CE. The Modern Doctrines of Christianity still follow the fundamental standards of belief as it was developed using the selected post Yahshua Greek writings that were originally formulated, edited, revised, compiled, and then accepted by a vote of The Council of Nicea in 325 CE by order of the Roman Emperor Caesar Flavius Constantine. Nicea was located in Asia Minor, East of Constantinople. At the Council of Nicea, the pagan Emperor Constantine presided over a group of appointed Roman bishops and other religious appointed leaders to define the nature of G-d for their new revised religion of Christianity. The intent was to eliminate confusion and controversy within the religious community of the Roman Empire and the Roman Church, and to amalgamate the various pagan theologies of the Roman Empire at that time, with those that were to become the basis for Roman Catholicism. This eventually evolved into Basic Universal Christianity.


The Council of Nicea chose by vote to accept the major tenants of Christianity which included the concept of the deity and eternal existence of the Jesus Christ from their adopted acceptable Greek writings. By their action they made the Prophet “Jesus” and the “G-d” of the Hebrew Bible part of one entity. They then developed the Christian Trinity by making the Father G-d, the Son G-d, and the Holy Spirit G-d, into a “three co-equal and co-eternal Person” this became the Creed of Athanasius. This simple early action in the ancient city of Nicaea, established a dichotomy that still exists today, between what is taught in the Hebrew Israelite Bible and what was understood by the primitive Roman church leaders under the influence of the pagan Emperor Constantine. All this developed from an understanding of the documents that the Roman Church had compiled, selected, and then reformed and modified from the Greek writings into what eventually became the foundation of Christian beliefs.


The only writings originally “used” to formulate the NT Bible were those that appeared to support the preconceived teachings and opinions understood by those appointed by the Roman Emperor Constantine and his Roman Church. The writings used for the new religion included discovered epistles they edited and opinions written by the First Century Pharisee Paul/Saul, who has over time become known by the subsequent believers of the New Testament as the Apostle Paul. Paul wrote about 20-30 years after the Prophet Yahshua is supposed to have taught in First Century Palestine. The person named Paul of the Greek NT Bible is the claimant to about 1/3rd of the Greek NT writing, but only wrote about 7 letters. Other letters just simply used his name. Paul never meet the prophet Yahshua, was never taught by him, so all his opinions are based upon hearsay and upon his own conjecture.


Definition of Yahwism:


“Yahwism” (Yah´wism) is the term used to refer to the monotheism worship system developed under Moses by the One Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power and Eternal Life-Force of Ancient Israel, who named Himself YHWH[1] (Yahweh) (Ex 3:15) in accordance with a covenant made between this Almighty Sovereign Power and the ancient Israelites to keep a Covenant/Commandments, defined in the Hebrew Bible, Deut. 5:1-22. (also in Exodus 20). The term Yahwism (aka Israelism) is sometimes used to describe a religious belief which is found in groups that use the proper Biblical names of YHWH (Yahweh) and Yahshua (Jesus) instead of the unscriptural Christian replacement words “G-d” “Lord” “Jehovah” and “Jesus.” Yahwism also refers to those who rely on the Tan’akh, an acronym for the whole Hebrew Bible, Torah-first 5 books, Nevi’im-the Prophets, Ketubim-the Writings as their foundational source. The Tan’akh is the whole book of instructions and principles for belief, righteous living, and doctrine. It does not include Jewish Oral Law, Talmudim or Kaballa.


Yahwism describes the original monotheistic belief of the Ancient Israelites as found recorded in the Hebrew Bible. The Tan’akh contains the history of the ancient Hebrews and of the chosen Israelite descendants as well as the revealed knowledge given only to them by the One Almighty Sovereign Creator of all things; the Power Life-Force Essence named Yahweh, through the Proven and chosen Hebrew Prophets and messengers. The revealed knowledge found in the Tan’akh (as was given through the Creator’s prophets and messengers) contains an ancient revolutionary system of living life with justice that superseded all other man-made systems of government, ideology, and theology. It recognizes only one Almighty Sovereign Creator Power. This one “Life-Force Essence” was the Mighty One of the Hebrew fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and is also recognized by the Hebrew descendants of Jacob renamed Israel. According to the Tan’akh, the Hebrew Bible, (the foundation of our belief) there is NO other Sovereign Power besides the ONE Almighty Sovereign Creator Power and Eternal Life-Force Essence of the Hebrew Bible, than the one who is named Yahweh, (Deut. 6:4;


Definition of Christianity:


There are three universally acceptable Creeds that define Christianity: the Apostles, the Nicene, and the longer Athanasian. We will use the Athanasian Creed here so that we will not get accused of “short-cutting” the Basic Adopted Roman Christian belief. This creed is attributed to Athanasius (293-373 CE) the fourth century bishop of Alexandria who was a strong defender of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus also called the Christ. This Creed defines their Trinity and their understanding of the nature of Christ in a very concise language as was believed in the early Third Century and as it is still believed by Christians today.





The Original Athanasian Creed of Christianity:


Please note:  that the term "catholic" with the lower case 'c' is not a reference to the Roman Catholic Church, but is also a reference to “universal Christian faith” since that was originally understood.


Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt, he shall perish everlastingly.  And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one G-d in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance.


For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Spirit.  But the G-dhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal.


Such as the Father is, such is the Son, and such is the Holy Spirit.  The Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Holy Spirit uncreated.  The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Spirit incomprehensible.


The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Spirit eternal.  And yet they are not three eternals, but one Eternal.

As also there are not three incomprehensibles, nor three uncreated, but one Uncreated, and one Incomprehensible.  So likewise the Father is Almighty, the Son Almighty, and the Holy Spirit Almighty.  And yet they are not three almighties, but one Almighty.


So the Father is G-d, the Son is G-d, and the Holy Spirit is G-d.  And yet they are not three G-ds, but one G-d.


So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Spirit Lord.  And yet not three lords, but one Lord.


For as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge each Person by Himself to be both G-d and Lord, so we are also forbidden by the catholic religion to say that there are three G-ds or three lords.


The Father is made of none, neither created, nor begotten.  The Son is of the Father alone, not made, nor created, but begotten.  The Holy Spirit is of the Father, neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.


So there is one Father, not three fathers; one Son, not three sons; one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits.

And in the Trinity none is before or after another; none is greater or less than another, but all three Persons are co-eternal together and co-equal. So that in all things, as is aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped.


He therefore that will be saved must think thus of the Trinity.


Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For the right faith is, that we believe and confess, that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of G-d, is G-d and man; G-d, of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and man of the substance of his mother, born in the world; perfect G-d and perfect man, of a rational soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching His G-dhead; and inferior to the Father, as touching His manhood; who, although He is G-d and man, yet he is not two, but one Christ; one, not by conversion of the G-dhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood into G-d; one altogether; not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person.  For as the rational soul and flesh is one man, so G-d and man is one Christ; who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead.  He ascended into heaven, He sits at the right hand of the Father, G-d Almighty, from whence He will come to judge the quick and the dead.  At His coming all men will rise again with their bodies and shall give account for their own works.  And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.


This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.  (End of this Creed)



Christianity and the Greek New Testament Bible  today


It appears to be much easier for the ordinary modern religious New Testament believer to remain on a broad way pushed along by other ignorant religious masses, rather than seeking, finding, and then stepping onto the narrow way that leads to life. Most Christians are not willing to find: or to bear the discomfort of following a constricted way, and to enter through the strait gate as taught by the Anointed Prophet Yahshua that leads to life. Yahshua said that “few there are that will find it.” (Matt. 7: 13-14). How true that statement  really is.


It takes a lot of individual time, effort, and research, to separate reliable Bible passages from religious fiction or from the fabrications and false traditions and unreliable translations developed by men. Of absolute importance is the ability to compare what is taught in the Greek NT Bible with what is taught in the original Hebrew Bible as was used by the anointed Prophet Yahshua. Those lacking the time or the ability for required research will tend to place their confidence and build their “faith” upon their own private understanding, or will place their trust and build their faith upon what is taught by a substitute religious authority such as a religious institution, or in a Church. In such cases it is wise to diligently weigh all the evidence that is presented “as truth” with the clear mandate of the Hebrew Bible regardless of the source. It would be completely foolish to place your eternal destiny on someone’s biased opinion, on conjecture or on your own blind conviction, without having evidence from reliable sources to support what you should believe to be true.


Countless books have been written, and are being written on religious subjects especially those dealing with Christianity. Christian bookstores are filled with commentaries and opinions prepared by those that appear to know it all, yet many people seem to be most comfortable to believe what someone has taught them from their early childhood rather than taking the time and making the effort to verify and/or to determine whether what they have been taught as a child is really the truth when confirmed directly from the original languages themselves. The tools for doing so are now no longer reserved for the privileged few, but are readily available to everyone, but doing the search on your own requires persistence and lots of time.


Do we of the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, think we know it all? The answer is no and we will readily admit that we do not. We are, however diligent seekers for the truth and are not afraid to discard clear error or a long held faulty doctrine or belief. We are not afraid to discard doctrines or beliefs based upon what we were told as children by our parents, by tradition, or by some Church denomination when we discover over-whelming Biblical or scientific evidence to the contrary. From the beginning, the reader interested in this document will agree that we of the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, of True Israel are not “Christian” as the religion has now developed. We believe that Yahwism (aka Israelism) is the true belief that reflects the principles taught in the Hebrew Bible, and were confirmed by the Prophet Yahshua. Yahwism is the original belief of ancient Israel and forms the Basic Foundation for our belief. Not contemporary Christianity as found in the Greek NT Bible.


Important – Only the Hebrew Bible contains words that are claimed by the prophets to have been inspired by YHWH (Yahweh) to anointed men, but both contain and record the words from uninspired men and many various uninspired opinions and traditions. This fact requires diligent Scriptural study in order to separate truth from error. The Hebrew Bible contains specific writings from authors that claim inspiration by Yahweh, but the Greek NT Bible authors do not make such claim. Christians are told that the entire Bible[2] is the inerrant[3] word of Yahweh in its original form. The passage usually quoted is 2 Tim.3:16. But this passage when correctly stated from Greek reads “All writing given by inspiration of Theos (G-d). . . .” Notice that this is a “qualified” statement. It does NOT say that – “All writing is given by inspiration of Theos (G-d). . . .” This would be an “unqualified-cover-all” (all-writing is inspired) statement. In other words, the word “is” has been deceptively added to the sentence. The concept that everything written is the inspired word of Yahweh or that all writings found in the Bible are the inspired words of Yahweh is false. This simple error of the added word “is” deception leads many to come to false Biblical conclusions that could result in the fabrication or the interpretations of other false doctrines, or concepts.


The factual truth is, that many different authors have contributed to the various “copies of the manuscripts” found in the collection called the Bible (containing both the Hebrew Bible and the Greek NT Bible writings). The Original manuscripts do not exist anymore; all we have available to us are copies of copies. There have been changes made to these writings over many years. There have been revisions, there have been additions, there have been portions removed, and there have been copy errors made. Some portions of the manuscripts are not legible. Some have pieces missing that required “fill-ins” by scholars. The Hebrew script and the Hebrew Alphabet has changed over the years from Early Semitic Pictographic forms (where each letter represented an object or an idea) to Middle Semitic script (an evolved simplified form of the original pictographic forms), to the late Semitic square script that stemmed from the Aramaic script of the Arameans of Babylon. This last change also carried along a lot of Aramaic influence.


When the Israelites of the Southern Kingdom were taken into Babylonian captivity, they adopted the Aramaic square script, which in its basic form is still in use today. Around 1,000 BCE, the Greeks adopted the Middle Semitic script which began to evolve independently over centuries to become the Greek script used today.[4] Most of the various books in the Bible that are available to us today (except the prophets) were written by unknown authors, all have unknown dates of origin. There are also concepts and stories within the writings of the Bible that according to any reasonable amount of logic, or scientific evidence, cannot be true. There are stories or events that according to the known history of the time cannot be supported and are therefore most likely false or spurious at best, or at least, the information should never be a reliable source for formulating any accurate conclusions.


We of the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, believe that the Bible “contains” the inspired words revealed to various authors; the selected anointed Prophets, by and through the messengers (angels) of Yahweh, because that claim is made by the authors of those writings. Having said that, the opposite is also true; the Bible also contains as recorded in writing information by various unknown authors, and the uninspired words of ordinary men that were not Yahweh anointed Prophets or inspired men. The Bible contains a snapshot of the simplified history of Adamic[5] man, and the History of Yahweh’s dealings with a particular family of these selected Adamic people called the Israelites.[6] Intertwined in our current Bible are writings that contain truth and writings that are clearly false, or have errors. Even though this is clearly evident, it is not a reason to discard the Hebrew Bible, or all of the Greek NT writings. Our Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Life-Force Yahweh did not leave His people Israel without the ability to discover the truth, or how to know His will and His plan for their lives. The truth was always there. It is seen in the Science of Creation (the Almighty’s General revelation) and it is found in the recorded word (the Almighty’s Special revelation). It takes willingness by the religious pilgrim along with faithful prayer and a deliberate quest to find it. With the discovery of the truth, the pilgrim will not only find complete freedom, but along with that newly found truth many old pre-conceived doctrines will have to be thrown aside and discarded or at least placed on an “upper shelf” for further review, as knowledge and truth continue to be revealed to those that will truly seek it.


“Even theologians recognize that the Hebrew Bible did not just fall from heaven, and that the history of its production spans over one thousand years. That knowledge has made it necessary for scholars to give an account of its formation, and one would think that the notion of the Bible as Canon[7] would “pop up” at the end of this current history. Oddly, however, the usual scholarly approach to the study of the formation of the Bible starts with the concept of a Canon and then tries to account for the history on its terms……” [8]


Within the writings of the Tan’akh are the 10 Commandment, Deut. 5: 1-22. The Commandments is the written Covenant/Agreement Yahweh made with Israel at Hor’eb, and a promise that Yahweh made with the descendants of the Israelites. The Commandments is the only known “uni-lateral” written contract that the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power has ever made with His created beings. No people other than the Israelites have a Covenant/Agreement with “The” Almighty Sovereign Creator Power. All True Israelites will believe in keeping (up-holding) the Covenant with their Almighty Sovereign for blessings. The Israelites of the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, also recognize that the teachings of Yahshua of Natsarith (the First Century Prophet to Israel) are of value since his teachings also follow the principles first established in Tan’akh, the Commandments.


There are several “Israelite type” groups with many varying viewpoints. Most are adherents to their own specific beliefs; many without a solid scriptural foundation. Like Christianity, there are differences between them. Not all these groups are believers in Yahwism since some add man-made customs to the foundational Yahwistic belief. True Yahwism can only be based on the basic principles found in the Old Testament Hebrew Bible (Tan’akh).


There are those that believe in the Tan’akh as their only authority but reject Yahshua of Natsarith and all of the Greek writings. They call themselves Karaite Jews. Although they are called Jews they are actually True Israelites because they use the Tan’akh as their sole foundation of belief. Christians are taught that all Jews are of the Hebrew family of Jacob/Israel. However, about 90% of the Jews today call themselves Ashkenazi Jews, and about 5% call themselves Sephardic Jews. To a great extent their beliefs rely on man-made additions made to the Tan’akh and in opinions developed by Rabbis that are documented in the Jewish Talmud and the Kabala. These documents follow man-made opinions, customs and traditions, and have usurped, replaced, and added to the pure word of Yahweh as found in the foundational Tan’akh. Therefore most Jews are not True Israelites.


True Ashkenazi Jews would have originally descended from Noah’s son Japheth, not from Noah’s son Shem, therefore Ashkenazi Jews cannot be Semites, Gen. 10: 1-3. The Sephardic Jews are a people that came from Assyria. Some Israelites mixed with these other Assyrian races. They were called Samaritans in the Greek writings. Of the remaining 5% of the people called Jews, some may be true descendants of the original tribes of Israel and some may be converts to Jewism.


British Israelism Israelites are Israelites that may have originally been a part of the Diaspora of the Northern Israelite tribes that eventually migrated into the Western European nations and into Great Britain, BCE 721. They keep some of Yahweh’s festivals and appointed times as well as the Sabbath, but most add the entire Greek New Testament writings, and the writings of the False Apostle Saul/Paul to their belief. They also add many modern doctrines developed by Constantine Romanism[9] to the mixture of their belief; therefore they are not True Israelites.


We of the “Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade” are adherents to “Yahwism also known as Israelism.” Through thousands of hours of research and diligent study we have discovered that Christianity has from its birth quickly incorporated many pagan concepts and practices in order to be acceptable to gentiles (non-Israelites) through Constantine Romanism. As a result Modern Christianity has veered away from the original foundational Hebraic beliefs of Yahwism that Yahshua Messiah and his chosen Apostles embraced.


We believe that the proper definition of a word and its meaning in the ancient language is always directly related to the culture, or to the customs of the time in which the word is being used. A word may have different meanings depending upon the culture that is using it, and will likely change with time, even throughout the Bible. In order to understand the ancient Hebrew (pre-paleo) language, it is necessary that we also understand the ancient Hebrew customs of the time. For this reason we of the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade, strive to understand the customs and culture of our ancient Hebrew fathers when we study the Tan’akh or the Greek writings when searching for revealed truth. Through this study, major differences have developed between the Yahwism of the Tan’akh and Christianity as founded from the Greek Writings. The major basic differences summarized below are a result of these studies, and present a summary for comparison. We consider ourselves to be Yahwistic-True-Israelites.


20 Basic Differences - Yahwism vs Christianity:


1. The Foundational Hebrew Bible - Yahwism Our Statement of Belief is based upon the foundational writings found in the Tan’akh (omitting the Folk-tale Books like Ruth, Esther, Job, and others. The Tan’akh is the original source document for Monotheism; the belief in only one Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power named Yahweh. Also acceptable writings (but NOT foundational) are the historical events and the teachings of the First Century Prophet to Israel Yahshua Messiah commonly known as Jesus the Christ found in the synoptic gospels. We include some subsequent writings such as the book of James that appear to have been authored by the Apostles of Yahshua. We do not accept the writings of the Pharisee Paul/Saul of Tarsus as reliable or in any way authoritative for formulating doctrine, since he is not numbered among the Twelve Apostles (Acts 1:21-26).  We believe the Tan’akh is complete, and contains all the information necessary provided by the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power to His select and chosen people ancient Israel, to live according to His will by keeping the Covenant/ Commandments), and that it provides the simple basic the path to inherit eternal life by His mercy.



Christianity adds to Yahweh’s words by accepting the writings and opinions of those that claim to have received a “newer” revelation. Most of the Christian belief system and doctrinal standards are founded on the Greek writings known as the New Testament. New religions always require “new” revelations in order to have a foundation for authority. The one having “received” the new revelation always becomes the authority for that new “revealed” religion. Like Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism, and Muhammad founder of Islam, the Pharisee Paul/Saul is the founder of modern Christianity because he claims a “new revelation.” Through the writings of Paul/Saul, Christianity has developed a belief system containing many doctrines amalgamated with ancient pagan mythology. This new Pauline religion with its beliefs was attractive to First Century Gentiles (non-Israelites) since many were already familiar with early pagan ideologies, but these new beliefs of Paul/Saul were never those taught by the Prophet Yahshua from the Hebrew Tan’akh. Paul wrote about 1/3rd of the entire accepted New Testament.


2. Creation - Yahwism


The Tan’akh teaches that the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power of the Universe is YHWH, and that He is the origin of all that exists and will exist. YHWH is without a beginning and without ending. Since the Creator is eternal, the Universe (the mark and evidence of His existence) must also be eternal, and must always have existed in one form or another. Therefore as long as Creator Himself has exists, creation has existed. Our earthly solar system may have been created in seven phases or ages of unknown duration, but we believe that the scientific physical evidence that rejects the seven literal days of the creation theory is absolute. We believe the Creator is the origin of the scientific record and that He influenced the written record found in the Tan’akh, therefore both must be in perfect harmony with each other. In other words, our Solar system (sun with its planets) was created in six ages of unknown duration, NOT six literal days.



Many Christians believe in the six literal 24-hour days of the creation theory against overwhelming scientific and Scriptural evidence to the contrary. Christians believe in a beginning and in an origin or a beginning for all of Creation and for our solar system. Therefore it would also stand that Christians must believe that the Creator Himself had a beginning, for it would be absurd to believe that an all powerful Creator would exist in eternally “past” without evidence of His existence.


3. Creator - Yahwism


          The Tan’akh teaches us that there is only One Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power, and that there is NO other. The One Creator being Yahweh exists without a physical body and fills all of what is. He alone has exclusive power and control over all His creation and over all His created beings. Although Scripture records His attributes (described by man’s limited knowledge) as many and diverse, He Himself is not divisible into more than one spirit entity. He always remains a unified One and cannot be divided into two or more persons or beings.


He has always existed, as has His entire Universe. He is at the same time past, present, and future, is omnipotent and omnipresent, all powerful, and knowing the first to the future. As a non-physical entity He cannot die, and does not change. The First Commandment is to “Have or hold no other Powers” before Him.



Christianity teaches that the “G-d” of the Bible is actually formed of three persons “in one essence” called “the Trinity.” It is believed that Jesus as “G-d the Son” has existed along with the first person of the trinity called “G-d the Father.” Both “G-d the Father” and “G-d the Son” exist alongside a third person called “G-d the Holy Spirit.” These three persons together constitute the “one” Christian G-d. Since Christianity also believes that “G-d the Father” is a spirit, Christianity really believes in two “spirit” beings called “G-d.” Christianity also teaches that the G-d Jesus died and was resurrected. Having “other” powers before the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Yahweh, and actions such as praying to “Jesus” (as another power) violates the First Commandment.


4. The origin of Adam (man) - Yahwism


According to the Genesis account, Adam-man and his wife “Chava” (Chava means living in Hebrew) were formed by the Creator some 6,000+ years ago. Yet, the scientific evidence (which must always be in harmony with the Scriptural), clearly indicates that some form of man-kind has existed hundreds of thousands of years ago in the past history of our planet. The physical evidence also indicates that various races have come and gone throughout the history of planet earth. Some races have a documented and scientific history much longer than the Genesis account of Adam. Therefore Adam-man and Chava his woman cannot be the original parents of all the various races on planet earth, but instead became a new race among those that were existing at the time of their formation, when they received a portion of Yahweh’s life giving spirit, no other race living at that time had received this.



Christianity teaches that Adam was the first man created, and Eve his wife was the first woman created on the planet. It is believed that Adam and Eve are the parents of all the various races and skin colors of people now found on our planet, and that they are the origin of all man-kind. This would also mean that all of the species of man-kind has “evolved” from the one species into the various and diverse races and skin colors now found on the globe beginning with Adam and Eve some 6,000+ years ago. This concept is foolish and false.


5. History of Adam-man (Yahwism)


The Tan’akh records the exclusive history of the people (Hebrews) that are the descendants of Adam-man. Although other races are mentioned at times within the Tan’akh, these other races are incidental to the Scriptural history of the descendants of Adam-man and his wife Chava (meaning life giver). This is supported by the physical evidence, that there are other races like the Chinese that have a written uninterrupted history that pre-dates the Scriptural written record of the Adamites.



Christianity teaches that the Tan’akh covers the history of all the various races and people on planet earth, since it is believed that Adam and Eve were the first people on earth from whom all the various

Races have their origin. However, this belief contradicts the scientific and scriptural record.


6. The flood of Noah’s time - Yahwism


Science indicates that the earth in its ancient history and during its formation was at one time covered with water, but we do not believe that the flood of Noah’s generation covered the entire globe. The Hebrew word translated “earth” in the Tan’akh has the meaning of “soil” or “ground,” that which is firm and bordered with water. To the ancients when the ground they were living on is covered with water during a flood, it would appear that the whole “earth” is covered, but it is not in reality. Noah’s flood destroyed a contaminated Adamic people that had become wicked through miscegenation with other races, but spared Noah and his family who were pure in their genealogy. Only the land animals and people living within the flooded land area perished.



Christianity teaches that Noah’s flood destroyed all of earth life containing breath on the Globe, and that all of life had a new beginning through Noah, and from the species of animals that were saved on the Ark. Since it is believed that our planet is only some six thousand years old, the ark would have had to accommodate all the species of life existing on the entire globe about 5,000 years ago including all the now extinct species, a physical impossibility. Scientific evidence also confirms that the flood of Noah’s time was regional, not global. This is easily confirmed by the lack of flood residue in ancient caves all over the globe.


7. The proper name of the Almighty - Yahwism


According to the Tan’akh, the proper Hebrew Scriptural name of the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power is “YHWH” pronounced in English as Yah-oo-weh. Yahweh is the name that the Creator Himself has given to us; “YH” (Yah is the short form of this name). This name means “I Am” in Hebrew, (in English we would say the Eternal, or the Existing). He says “I Am”; we would say “He is” or the more accurate “the Ever-living.” Upholding HIS proper name “Yahweh” is the requirement of the Third Commandment.



Christianity uses the replacement titles of “G-d, Gawd” “LORD” or “LORD G-d” as substitutes for the proper name of the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power Yahweh. These titles are all derived from pagan sources, and are not proper names with Hebrew meanings. Some use the mongrelized hybrid name “Jehovah.” Ignoring and disregarding the proper name of the Almighty Sovereign Creator is a violation of the Third Commandment.


8. The name of the Prophet to Israel - Yahwism


The name of the First Century Hebrew Messiah Prophet to Israel is Yahshua, pronounced as Yah-u-shua.  This Name in Hebrew means “Yah is Savior, or Yah saves.” According to his own words, as found in the Synoptic Gospel called Matthew, Yahshua was sent only to the lost sheep of the house-hold of Israel, (Matt. 15: 24) like so many prophets that came before him. “Messiah” is the Hebrew word that means anointed. All Hebrew Kings, Priests and Judges designated with specially selected responsibility and appointments were called “messiahs.”



Christians use the name “Christ” or “Jesus” as inter-changeable terms. Some times even as a “first and last” name, such as “Jesus Christ.”  Both words are derived from Greek, through Latin, and then into English resulting in a name that has become foreign to the original Hebrew name. The name Jesus does not pass on the original important Hebrew meaning of Yahshua, “Yah is Savior.”


9. The Commandments - Yahwism


       The 10 Commandments is the Covenant/Contract that Yahweh made with the Israelites, Deut. 5: 2-22. Blessing and life are received by keeping it, curses for ignoring it. Yahshua kept it, the Apostles kept it, and it is for us as True Israelites from the Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade to keep it as well. The Commandments have not changed because Yahweh does not change. The Commandments are still in effect today for all Israelites, and for all that desire to become True Israelites, and desire to inherit “life.” The Commandments is the only bi-lateral Covenant/Contract that Yahweh the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power has ever made with mortal man that obligates both parties.



To most Christians, the Commandments haves become only an idealistic moral code. They reason that the Commandments can’t be kept anyway, so most never even try to keep it. Ignoring the Commandments, the Covenant/Contract with Yahweh eliminates any responsibility that Yahweh has with man, leaving man responsible for his own miserable destiny and ultimate demise.


10. The 7th day Sabbath - Yahwism


According to the instructions found in the Tan’akh and the Commandments, a weekly seventh day Sabbath is to be observed as Yahweh’s appointed day of rest. No labor or servitude is permitted on this day. Keeping the weekly Sabbath set-apart is the requirement of the Fourth Commandment.



Modern Christianity (Constantine Romanism) has changed Yahweh’s day of rest to the first day of the week. The first day of the week actually honors the pagan “sun-G-d” (Sunday) and was established by the Roman Emperor Constantine to make his Empire Uniform and to use a day that was already established by Pagan Gentiles as the honored day for their G-ds. By not keeping the seventh day Sabbath, Christians violate the Fourth Commandment each week.


11. Yahweh’s feast days - Yahwism


Four major feasts of Yahweh should be observed. They are (1) Passover, also called the Feast of unleavened Bread, (the memorial of Israel’s Exodus out of Egypt).  (2) Pentecost, “first fruits” (the memorial of the gift of the covenant/agreement between Israel and Yahweh given at Mt. Sinai.  (3) Atonement, (a time of fasting, repentance, and renewal for Israel assembled).  (4) Tabernacles (the memorial to Israel’s dwelling in tents before entering into Palestine).



Christianity teaches that Yahweh’s appointed times are no longer to be observed. Most of Yahweh’s appointed times (feasts) have been forgotten, ignored, violated, or replaced by such days as Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, All Saints day, Christ-mass or fabricated sacraments such as holy communion.


12. Satan and the Devil - Yahwism


The Tan’akh, our source document for truth, teaches that there is no “spirit power” called “Devil.” The belief that “the Devil” or “a devil” is a powerful mystical “spirit being” is simply an “invention” of primitive religions that has become ignorantly incorporated into Christianity. The Tan’akh teaches us the concept of the “evil inclination” as well as the “inclination for good.” The word "satan" where used in the Hebrew Bible is not the name of a mystical spirit being that can challenge his Creator, but it simply means “accuser, or opponent.” All created beings (angels) are under the control of their Creator at all times.” Have no other “Powers” before Yahweh is the First Commandment.  In Hebrew Bible times, Devils are objects and idols used for worship, they are not living entities.



Christianity teaches that Satan (also called the devil) is one and the same being and is an independent omnipotent and omnipresent power that battles against his own Creator “the Christian G-dfor the souls of people. By recognizing or believing in other spiritual powers, real or fabricated, Christians are placing other “G-ds” (Powers) before Yahweh. Jesus, (the Hebrew prophet), like Satan is placed as an equal or a power beside the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Yahweh. Having other “powers” before Yahweh, or to worship “Jesus” as a G-d is to worship someone other than the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power Yahweh and therefore violates the First Commandment.


13. Idols and images - Yahwism


Yahweh very explicitly states in His Commandments that we are to make no carved images, (three dimensional objects or likeness) of anything which is in the heavens above or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth. An Idol or image is any object or image receiving praise, admiration or worship. “Make no images” is the Second Commandment.



Most Christian homes are full of idols (I-dolls) images and other various other three dimensional forms of created things. Most Roman Catholic Constantine Christian Church buildings are full of idols and images receiving worship, or adoration. Making, having, or worshiping idols and images violate the Second Commandment.


14. Sin and Sacrifices – Yahwism


Yahshua, (the Messiah of the Greek writings) an Israelite, was not a Human Sacrifice (human penalty payment). He was not sent to become a Human Sacrifice for the sins of the world. Furthermore, according to his own words, he was only sent to the house-hold of Israel, (Matt. 15:24) to save those that were lost, (Matt. 18:11, Jer. 50:6), to give his life a “ransom” for many, (Matt. 20: 28). Yahshua was not sent for the sins of the world. Even if sin was the reason for his coming (which it was not), it would have been much less dramatic, and just as effective, for Yahshua to forgive sins simply by saying so, since (according to the Greek writings) Yahshua claimed to have that authority, (See Matt. 9:6).


Side Note: Yahweh calls human sacrifice something that He hates, and that it is an abomination to Him. (Deut. 12:30-31). He tells us that human sacrifice is such a horrible concept to Him that it did not even come into His mind, or to demand it from His creation. This means that Yahweh would never accept the death of a son on a pagan stake as a blood sacrifice (blood payment) in order for Him to feel good and forgive sin (Psalm 106:37-38; Ezekiel 16:20). The very idea of that Yahweh would accept the murder of any human (especially the murder of a righteous man) as pleasing to Him for the forgiveness of sin is not found in the Tan’akh. “Do not commit murder” is the eighth Commandment.



Christianity teaches that Jesus was a sacrifice to G-d for sin, therefore Christians believe in human sacrifice. However, human sacrifice to the G-ds is a wicked custom left over from ancient pagan cultures and practice but condemned by the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power Yahweh. To believe that such practice was acceptable and even desired violates all the principles of the Tan’akh and the eighth Commandment.


15. Salvation - Yahwism


The Tan’akh teaches that the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power Yahweh is the only Redeemer and Savior of the Commonwealth of Israel. This includes the twelve original tribes of Israel and their descendants that have been scattered among all the nations of the globe. All the tribes of Israel are “lost” to history until their time of redemption/salvation. This salvation will come to individuals and then one day together to the restored dispersed nations (tribes) even though they are living among all the nations of the Globe, (Ezk. 6:8, 11:17; Hosea 1:9-11).


Side Note: Redemption and eternal life is found by wayward man only by turning toward Yahweh, becoming obedient to His will, by receiving the pardoning of one's sins against Him through sincere repentance, and a return to righteousness. This requires a return toward the correct keeping of Yahweh’s Commandments. By this act the repentant sinner can again become an heir (returning prodigal) to the Covenant/Contract with Yahweh and inherit eternal life (Matt. 19:16-17). Likewise, by receiving and believing in the teachings and instructions of Yahshua (the deliverer to “lost” Israel) will result in a spiritual regeneration and a rebirth (renewing) of one's mind by Yahweh’s Ruach HaKodesh (Life-Force Essence). This re-establishes the violator’s Covenant/Contract with the Almighty Sovereign Eternal Creator Power of Israel, and the promises that came with it.


The Tan’akh teaches that all people outside of the Covenant with Israel who desire to become “Israelites” must be enjoined into the Covenant with Israel, and thereby become “True Israelites” (Isa. 56). In this manner, the gift and blessing of Yahweh’s salvation can be inherited by all people through their “faithfulness and obedience” toward keeping the covenant/agreement the Commandments. There is NO eternal life out-side of being in the Covenant/Agreement along with Israel.



Christianity teaches that Repentance and the sincere belief (faith) that Jesus was sent to die (as the lamb of G-d, by G-d) on the cross of Calvary as a sacrifice to please G-d is what saves you from your sins, and will give you eternal life. Some Christians believe that it is also necessary to become baptized to complete the process. This is considered a gift of G-d, (by grace) and cannot be earned, so there is nothing additional for you to do to help the process, except maybe to live a righteous life. There is no requirement for “faithfulness.” The substitution of “faith” for “Faithfulness” violates the purpose for the entire Covenant/Contract agreement, the Commandments.


16. Hell - Yahwism


Hell is not a physical place of endless torment for the wicked. The Hebrew word “She’ol” is mistakenly translated “hell” by many English translations. This word has become associated with a fabricated place of eternal torment for the wicked. She’ol simply means “to cover,” as in a grave, the place of the dead, or of the unknown. All people die; therefore, all will go to the place of the unknown after death. The bodies of all people both good and bad will go to the “place of the unknown.” The Tan’akh teaches that all will be judged and all will need to be accountable for every work, both good and bad.  Yahweh will make the final determination for life or for destruction. According to the Tan’akh, the wicked will perish and become as the dust of the ground. The righteous and those obedient to the will of “the Father” will inherit life. The belief in hell as an eternal place of fire, suffering, and torment, is a residue of primitive belief, pagan mysticism, and ignorance of what the Hebrew Bible teaches.



Christianity teaches that Hell is a place of eternal suffering and that it is the place that all will go if they do not believe in the Christian formula for salvation. It does not matter if the person is a decent or good person, or has never heard about Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross for sin. The Christian formula for salvation is very exclusive - all must repent and believe in Jesus dying on the cross for their sin, as the “lamb” of G-d, and by some be baptized in order to be forgiven, to receive eternal life, and to go to heaven and live with him forever.


Many believe that Baptism must be by immersion to be proper. Because the Christian formula for Salvation is very exclusive, yet very divisive, it is one of reasons that many Christian denominations are “evangelical” and strive to convert those that differ in their beliefs from that of Christianity so they will not go to the mystical invention of eternal suffering in hell fire.


17. Heaven - Yahwism


The English word heaven as translated from the Hebrew Bible comes from the Hebrew word “shamayin” meaning “sky.” Although there is some debate as to the exact meaning of this word, it is very clear that the word “shamayin” is most commonly used in conjunction with the word “erets”  meaning “land” thereby the combination of these words (Sky and earth) represents the whole of creation and dominion of Yahweh.


The “Kingdom of Yahweh” or “Kingdom of heaven” is not a “place” where the Kingdom is, but “who” the Kingdom belongs to. All references to a physical place called heaven for the righteous comes from the imagination of mortal men, which, not unlike the natural concept of an eternal “hell” fire for the wicked, would conversely require the natural need for a place of eternal pleasure for the righteous. The concept of a “life” in the here-after in a garden like place of bliss and pleasure for the righteous was clearly longed for by the ancients of the Hebrew Bible, but, Yahweh in His eternal wisdom has not provided us with specific details about this place, or where life exists after physical death.



To Christians heaven is a place with mansions for those “saved” by the blood of the lamb, where they will live eternally. It is thought to be a place where there will be no need, no sickness, no hunger, no sin, or bad things. All of this is an honorable concept, but all comes from the imagination of man not from Scripture. Some believe “heaven” is in some place beyond the sky, others that it will be on earth under the rule of Jesus when he comes again to rule physically on earth. The fact, there is no Bible verse that says that someone “saved” will go to a place called “heaven.” Jesus never promised to take anyone to such a place after death.  


 18. Second Coming – Yahwism


The belief in a “second coming” of “a Messiah” or of “the Messiah” is not found in the Tan’akh. This belief is a relatively new concept even in Christianity. The Bible never speaks of the “end of time” or the end of history; it speaks of the future “end of the age” after which always comes the beginning of the “age to come.” The age to come is called the “Kingdom of Yahweh” as was announced by the prophet Yahshua. This “last new age” began during his ministry in the First Century. The word “Kingdom” is an idiom that has the meaning of “counsel” in Aramaic. Hence the phrase has the meaning of an age where the “Counsel of Yahweh” can be found by those that have within them the Life-Force Essence of Yahweh to seek that counsel, which is the Life-Force Essence of truth, the “Life-Force Essence of  Yahweh.”


We believe that Yahshua was “a” Messiah and a prophet. However, the Tan’akh is full of Messiahs (anointed ones) and prophets, as well as others that are called “son(s) of Yahweh.” Yahshua himself specifically stated (as recorded in the Christian Greek Writings gospel book called John) that his Kingdom was “NOT of this world.”



Some in Modern Christianity have developed the belief that there will be a “second coming” of Jesus to earth. This belief is to a large extent based upon the indiscriminate mistranslation of the Greek words “erchomai” and “parousia” found in the Greek Writings which have at times both been translated as “coming” in some English translations, but may have many alternate meanings. There is no passage in Scripture, or in the Greek Writings that specifically states that the Yahshua would be “coming again” to rule as a physical King upon the globe.


Side Notes: Some Christians believe in the assumption that the Book of Revelation (or most of it) is a forecast of future world events still unfulfilled. This assumption violates what the book of Revelation says about itself and to whom the book was written. In its prologue and epilogue, it states, concerning the whole of its prophecy that it was: “at hand,” “obey-able” and, finally, “not to be sealed up.” Revelation's total relevance (in Old Testament Scripture's Poetic Picture Apocalyptic language) starts and ends in the lifetime of its original hearers and to those to whom the letter was originally addressed, "the seven assemblies that are in Asia", (Rev, 1:4). If you are not one of these Assemblies, living during the times of the address of this letter, the Prophecy in Revelation is NOT for you. The events in Revelation actually occurred in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of Herod under the conquest of the Roman army.


19. Edible Food - Yahwism


      The Almighty Sovereign Creator Power has in His great providence and wisdom provided the necessary information in the Tan’akh for Israelites (and those willing to learn and live a healthy life) to determine which animals where created edible for consumption, and which are not. We as Israelites believe that the Almighty Sovereign Creator Yahweh, the One who also created the animals, would be the absolute undisputed authority for which animals are “clean” for food and which are “unclean” and not be used by us for food. True Israelites avoid eating animals and products that the Yahweh has designated as “unclean” for food.



     Many Christians through various miss-applications of several Greek passages, and by deliberately ignoring the instructions and advice about food found in the Tan’akh concerning edible animals have mistakenly concluded that all animals are now edible, and fit for food. However, there is nothing in the Bible that would support such a conclusion. Jesus and the apostles always honored the advice found in the Tan’akh on “clean” and “unclean” animals.


20. Passover vs. Communion - Yahwism


     Israelites commemorate the appointed feast of Unleavened Bread which includes the Passover (Pesach) dinner once a year at a very specific time in the Hebrew New Year, as directed and appointed by Yahweh. The “breaking of bread” (eating dinner) on the first day of the week, is a dinner celebrated after the end of the Sabbath. This is at Saturday evening (at dusk), when the first of the week (Sunday) begins.


       The Disciples were to prepare the “Passover” (Luke 22). Yahshua eagerly waited “to eat the Passover” meal. The context of this dinner was to ponder on “their lives” and commune (converse together) as this was to be their last dinner as a unified group of Disciples with their Teacher. The breaking of bread (eating) was a metaphor (a symbolism) for the “breaking” of his body (execution) but not for the eating of “human flesh” which would have been a metaphor for Cannibalism. The wine became a metaphor for his shed blood, but not for the “drinking” of human blood. The drinking of blood by Israelites is forbidden in the Tan’akh.



     The original Passover recorded in the Greek Writings has developed into Christian “Communion,” a somber ritual that is held on a regular basis to celebrate the death of Jesus as the “Passover” Lamb of G-d that takes away the sins of the world. This Sacrament is far removed from the feast of Unleavened Bread and the Passover dinner which was one of Yahweh’s appointed feasts containing specific instructions. Some Christians (the.R.C.C., Lutherans, and others) believe that the bread when broken somehow magically turns into the “flesh” of Jesus at consumption, and that the wine (or grape juice) when poured magically turns into the blood of Jesus at consumption. Some Christians believe it is only symbolic of the conversion into flesh and blood. However, even if symbolic of the “eating human flesh” and the “drinking of human blood,” such activity is a pagan/heathen concept. Ancient primitive cultures sometimes believed that eating a piece of the body or the drinking of the blood of a powerful dead person or animal would somehow convey some of that power to them.


Further Considerations


A “Gentile” is by common definition a non-blood Israelite, (a foreigner to the Covenant with Israel) and thereby also most likely an unbeliever in that same covenant. The distinction between an “Israelite“ (Hebrew Bible believer) and a “Gentile” (NT Bible believer) creates a divisive belief system between Israelite Yahwism and Christianity.


Through the centuries, there has been an on-going “Gentilization” of the ancient Yahwism faith, a falling-away (apostasy) from Covenant observance, toward the adoption of heathen pagan terms and observances, customs and cultures. Many began with the writings of the self-appointed false Apostle Saul/Paul. The Sabbath and moed’im (appointed times) were sabotaged and replaced. The Creator’s Proper Name was destroyed and ruined in favor of non-specific, generic references, and adulterated forms. Even after the Protestant Reformation, many of these beliefs are still embraced although there is overwhelming evidence of their pagan origin.


Congregations that separate themselves from the Israelite Yahwism concepts and that choose to adhere to the Paul/Saul false religious concepts are of man-made origin and have produced the “denominationalism” and mass confusion that we see in the hundreds of religious “Christian” denominations. It is no wonder that many intellectuals have chosen to dismiss and/or reject Christianity completely.


Yahwism is NOT Jewism and Israelites are NOT Jews. This misunderstanding becomes a “wall of separation” or a “dividing wall” between Israelites and non-Israelites. Yet, the truth is, that both the (natural born) Israelite and the foreigner as a (non-natural born Israelite) can be brought into the house of Yahweh and can both become “True” Israelites. It is through keeping the Covenant which requires the observance of the Commandments, that Gentiles (non-Israelites) can also become “True” Israelites, and members of the House-hold (family) of Yahweh.


The corrupted ceremonial laws were abolished with the physical Temple, and the civil laws disappeared with the “national” identity of Israel, but not the Commandments. Therefore, non-Israelites who convert (choose to obey the Covenant), and begin keeping the Commandments (and the day of rest, the Sabbath), and accept and trust in Yahshua’s words are no longer Gentiles, they in reality become “fellow citizens” of “True” Israel. By their actions they become part of the Household of Yahweh, and part of Yahweh’s family. By obedience, faithfulness, and their willingness to serve Yahweh, they become True Israelites.


Isa 56:6 Also the foreigners who join themselves to Yahweh, to minister to him, and to love the name of Yahweh, to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath from profaning it, and holds fast my covenant; Isa 56:7 even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”


Mat 7:21not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”


Yahshua was NOT sent to all the people of the globe


Mat 10:5 Yahshua sent these twelve out, and commanded them, saying, “Don’t go among the Gentiles, and don’t enter into any city of the Samaritans (foreigners).

Mat 10:6 rather, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (dispersed Israel).

Mat 10:7 As you go, preach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven/or Yahweh is at hand!’ (Kingdom also means counsel).

Mat 15:24 But he answered, “I wasn’t sent to anyone but the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

 Mat 18:11 For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost. (Read Jer. 50: or who was lost).


The conclusion to draw from these clear writings is that no one who currently obeys the Covenant and keeps the Sabbath is a “Gentile” (non-Israelite) – they may once have been considered “Gentiles” but are now members (or better yet, “citizens” of the collective house-hold (family) of “True Israel.” This is not an allegorized “spiritual” Israel as many in Christianity have supposed through other misunderstandings, such as the false doctrine of “Replacement Theology.” While the term “Israel” can be used to apply to a geographic area, in Scripture this term refers to those who have joined themselves to Yahweh through His Covenant, known as His Commandments, Ten Declarations or Words). This is what is clearly taught in Isa 56.


Many well meaning “Christians” seem to believe that the “Commandments are too difficult to keep” and if we keep the Commandments of Yahweh, then don’t we become “legalists?” Well, isn’t it better to be legal-ists, than illegal-ists? Read what Israel’s King David wrote about Yahweh’s Commandments:


Psa 119:98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,

for your commandments are always with me.

Psa 119:99 I have more understanding than all my teachers,

for your testimonies are my meditation.

Psa 119:100 I understand more than the aged,

because I have kept your precepts.

Psa 119:101 I have kept my feet from every evil way,

that I might observe your word.


Christianity is a religion that is supposedly based on the teachings of Yahshua Ha’Mashiach (the Messiah) but has in reality developed far from what he taught. It has become a mixture of the customs from Babylonian heathen paganism all gelled into Canons that were solidified under the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine 325 C.E., and became the Catholic “Christian” religion of the old Roman Constantine Empire. Nothing has changed!


Christianity has become a way of life about the Messiah of Israel, but does not follow the Messiah’s foundational teachings from the Hebrew Bible. Instead, it has become divided into thousands of sects that all differ over interpreting and miss-interpreting the Bible by using the writings and opinions of Paul/Saul the Pharisee, a Roman citizen who never sat at the feet of Yahshua, and never heard him teach. Christianity has developed its own special days of the year adopted from heathen pagan origin symbols and observances. ALL of Yahweh’s commanded feast days and Sabbaths are neglected (see Lev. 23, Deut. 16) and replaced by a system of beliefs not based on Messiah’s teaching at all, but instead, are acting in ignorance through false Roman Catholic traditions.


True Israelites are those that have a love of the Creator’s Name, and His Covenant. They follow the “way” or “walk” like that of the Messiah, staying faithful to keeping the Covenant without alteration, having received a love of the Commandments in their hearts by the indwelling of the Life-Force Essence of Yahweh. Beliefs and actions are the same thing in their view, and they serve and worship only the Sovereign Power whom they obey.


The Question is asked: “What happens to all the people that think they have acquired eternal life through Christianity by believing in the human Sacrifice of “Jesus” for their sins, what would be a good answer to them?


The truth is: We do not really know what happens to them. To say that we do is simply wishful thinking, and pure conjecture. We do know (from the Tan’akh) that Yahweh is righteous in His judgment, for we are told that every work will be brought into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or bad, (Ecc.12:13-14). Yahshua hinted at a condition of paradise (a Persian word denoting a park for Persian kings and nobles). Throughout the Hebrew Bible, we see the evidence of fallen man and his need for redemption. The plan for the redemption of man by the Creator is always offered through repentance and obedience all through the Tan’akh, yet deception seems to be much easier for people to accept than the Truth.


Christians accept the Messiah of Israel, while leaving behind his walk, his manner of living, what he taught and his Tan’akh, Matt. 7:21. As the Edomites were “usurpers” claiming the name, rights, and inheritance of True Israel, so we have the modern “usurpers” who claim to be “Spiritual Israel” through their statement of belief in “Jesus” and his sacrifice. The only way to overcome this deceptive manner of living and belief is for individuals to do their own personal research. There is nothing we or anyone can say or write that will convince even one to change, unless they attempt to prove us wrong by doing that personal required research. They are “asleep” and unaware of what they are doing, mostly because they are lulled to sleep every week in their Church assemblies. Knowledge of what they believe and what is taught to them is amazingly shallow. Their misplaced trust in men who they accept as their teachers is their greatest mistake. Christianity today has become a religion based upon emotions rather than Faithfulness. It now requires entertainment and a fully equipped band along with thousands of dollars of electronic equipment to obtain the followers, and of course their money to compete with the competition. What a shame! Yes, emotions have a place in life, but emotions should never substitute for logic or wisdom that leads to truth. It is the truth that will set your soul free, not your emotions


The bottom line is this; most people do not realize they are outside of the Covenant with Yahweh, having never been “engrafted” into the family of True Israel by faithfully living according to that Covenant. Until they stop and realize this basic fact, they will keep putting up Christmas trees and hunting for Easter eggs. Their faith has become an acceptable “Church Standard” but that standard is not the one that pleases Yahweh. Instead, most Christians follow old Heathen Pagan practices, concealed in new meanings. For those not having joined in the Covenant with Yahweh, a time will come for reckoning. Ecc 12:13-14.


The Covenant, the Commandments Deut. 5:2-22 (see also Exo. 20:1-17)

Deut 5:6  “I YHWH (Yahweh) Mighty One, brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, from the house of service.”

Deut 5:7  “Have no other Mighty One above  me.”

Deut 5:8  “Do not make a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”

Deut 5:9  “Do not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them; for I, Yahweh, your Mighty One, am a jealous Mighty One, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and on the fourth generation of those who hate me;

Deut 5:10  and showing kindness to thousands of those who love me and guard my commandments.”

Deut 5:11  “You shall not desecrate the name of Yahweh your Mighty One: for Yahweh will not hold guiltless who desecrates his name.”

Deut 5:12  “Guard the day of intermission, to observe it, as Yahweh your Mighty One commanded you.”

Deut 5:13  “Six days work, and do all your obligations;

Deut 5:14   but the seventh day is an intermission to Yahweh your Mighty One , do not work, not your son, not your daughter, not your male servant, not your female servant, not your ox, not your donkey, not any of your livestock, not the stranger that is within your gate; so that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.”

Deut 5:15  “Remember, you were a servant in the land of Mitsrayim, and Yahweh your Mighty One brought you out of there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm. Therefore Yahweh your Mighty One commanded you to guard the day of intermission.”

Deut 5:16  “Honor your father and your mother, as Yahweh your Mighty One commanded you; that your days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with you, in the land which Yahweh your Mighty One gives you.”

Deut 5:17  “Do not murder.”

Deut 5:18  “Do not adulterate.” (to make impure, by race mixing;  miscegenation)

Deut 5:19  “Do not steal.”

Deut 5:20  “Do not give false testimony against your associate.” (an acquaintance like a neighbor)

Deut 5:21  “Do not desire your associate’s wife. Do not wish for your associate’s house, his field, or his male servant, or his female servant, his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your associate’s.”

Deut 5:22  “These words Yahweh spoke to all the assembly on the mountain out of the middle of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice. He added no more. He wrote them on two stone tablets, and gave them to me.” (To Moses  and all those that will also accept and keep them).

NOTE: the Laws, Statutes, and the Ordinances were to establish and to maintain civility in the then  newly formed (by Moses) “the Ancient Biblical Nation of Israel” which was a pure “Theocracy.” This Ancient Biblical Nation of Israel however, no longer exists. It was destroyed by Rome in AD 70. The current Jewish nation called Israel is filled with impostors, and is in no way a “Biblical Theocracy.”

Mic 6:6. “How shall I come before Yahweh, and bow myself before the exalted Mighty One? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?”  (answer-NO!)

Mic 6:7. Will Yahweh be pleased with thousands of rams? With tens of thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my disobedience? The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  (answer-NO!)

Mic 6:8. He has shown you, O man, what is good. What does Yahweh require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your Mighty One?

(Answer-YES, Praise Yahweh our only Might One!)



All rights reserved: Assembly of Yahweh, Cascade

c/o 23506 Bulson Rd, Mount Vernon, WA 98274

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This document may be freely reproduced as written (typo’s exempted) provided it is not used for profit. This document was revised Sept. 10, 2022









[1]        The Hebrew letters YHWH (Yahweh) forms the name of the Almighty Sovereign Creator Power of the Hebrew Bible, and has the English meaning of “He is” or “He Exists.” It is the Hebrew verb of existence“to be” and contains the past, the present, and the future) in all the Hebrew tenses. He (Yahweh) says to us “I AM,” we say and address him as “HE IS” or refer to Him as “The Ever-Living.”



[2]    The word “Bible” where used throughout this document is the common term for the book that contains both the Hebrew Bible and the Greek writings. However, we will distinguish the Hebrew Bible from the Greek NT Bible in this document, since we do not believe they should be considered one and the same Bible

[3]     Meaning “without error” in the original manuscripts.

[4]     From the “Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible” page 14.

[5]     A word used to denote a reference to the descendants of Adam, excluding all non-Adamic races. The word Adam means to blush     i.e. to show blood in the face, from the color of the new-born white Adamic child.  See Strongs #119.

[6]      The descendants of Jacob renamed Israel by YHWH, (Gen 32: 28); the name means to “overcome, to rule with El.”

[7]      The word Canon means “a norm” or “a standard.”

[8]      Who wrote the New Testament, (Creating the Christian Bible), by Burton L. Mack, pg 276.

[9]       Constantine Romanism is another name for what has developed into “Modern Christianity.”